Stable Isotopes and Labeled Compounds  

Labeled Gases & Mixtures

Icon supplies over 30 labeled gases. This range is expanded to more than 80 - considering the labeling combinations. For example, there are seven isotopes of carbon monoxide available with mass numbers ranging from 28 to 31.

Gases are packaged in breakseals at atmospheric pressure, or compressed into cylinders of varying sizes and construction (see packaging specifics).

Icon's capable expertise in stable isotopes and extensive experience with gas mixing technology gives us a unique advantage when supplying your requirements or advising you concerning any special applications you may have in mind.

Acetylene-d2 Ethylene-d4
Acetylene-1,2-12C2 Ethylene-1-13C
Acetylene-1,2-13C2 Ethylene-1,2-13C2
Acetylene-1,2-13C2,d2 Helium-3He
Ammonia-d3 Hydrogen bromide-79Br
Ammonia-15N Hydrogen bromide-81Br
Ammonia-15N,d3 Hydrogen chloride-35Cl
Bromine gas-79Br Hydrogen chloride-37Cl
Bromine gas-81Br Methane-d1
Carbon dioxide-12C Methane-d2
Carbon dioxide-12C,17O2 Methane-d3
Carbon dioxide-12C,18O2 Methane-d4
Carbon dioxide-13C Methane-13C
Carbon dioxide-13C,18O2 Methyl chloride-13C
Carbon dioxide-17O2 Methyl chloride-35Cl
Carbon dioxide-18O2 Methyl chloride-37Cl
Carbon monoxide-12C Methyl fluoride-d3
Carbon monoxide-12C,17O Methyl fluoride-13C
Carbon monoxide-12C,18O Methylene fluoride-d2
Carbon monoxide-13C Methylene fluoride-13C
Carbon monoxide-13C,18O Neon-20Ne
Carbon monoxide-17O Neon-21Ne
Carbon monoxide-18O Neon-22Ne
Carbonyl chloride-13C Nitric oxide-15N
Carbonyl sulfide-13C Nitrogen-15N1
Carbonyl sulfide-13C,18O Nitrogen-15N2
Carbonyl sulfide-18O Nitrogen dioxide-15N
Carbonyl sulfide-17O Nitrogen-15N, Oxygen-18O
Carbonyl sulfide-34S Nitrogen, Oxygen-18O
Chlorine-35Cl Nitrous oxide-15N1
Chlorine-37Cl Nitrous oxide-15N2
Deuterium Nitrous oxide-18O
Deuterium bromide-d1 anhydrous Oxygen-16O
Deuterium chloride Oxygen-17O
Deuterium iodide Oxygen-18O
Ethane-1,2-d2 Phosgene-13C
Ethane-d1 Phosgene-18O
Ethane-1,1,1-d3 Phosgene-17O
Ethane-1,1,2,2-d4 Propane-d8
Ethane-d5 Propylene-3,3,3-d3
Ethane-d6 Propylene-d6
Ethylene-1,2-d2 (cis) Sulfur dioxide-18O
Ethylene-1,2-d2 (trans) Sulfur dioxide-34S


Icon Labeling Inc, 19 Ox Bow Lane; Summit, NJ 07901 USA
Telephone: (908) 522-9090
Fax: (908) 273-0440 | E.mail: